Oipaengia: 1
Oipaengia: 1

Oipaengia: 1

I did not mean to fall in love.

It is always best to start from the beginning. I do not wish to start there, but I must. Suffice it to say, I was in Lisbon.

Edgar Pêra’s film school was having a party at the Restaurante Califórnia, and I was invited by a photog friend. She took photos, and I sat in the dark, drank, and smiled at strangers. It was a wrap party of some sort or the kick-off of something else. Edgar started saying something about reality tunnels, and all I could do was drink red wine and watch the couple at my table unlock their jaws. My friend pulled me into the cool, crisp air and said, “We’re going to drink tea.” As my eyes were about to roll, she said, “The stuff is magic. Oh, don’t give me that face.”